Botanical Garden

Botanical Garden

The only botanical garden in the Ústí nad Labem Region was established by the statutory town of Teplice on the first of January 2002. However, it was not established "on a green field" - its area has been used for horticultural purposes for approximately one hundred years. We do not know much about the actual beginning of the garden at the end of the 19th century. Perhaps the Prince Clary-Aldringen played an important role in it, but it is also possible that it is a mere rumour. We know for sure that in the building plans of the buildings dating from 1904, we find the word Stadtgärtnerei, ie town garden center. The original greenhouses, which certainly served mainly to spa houses, whether for the production of cut flowers or for wintering palm trees and other mobile greenery, were reconstructed (mainly thanks to the efforts of Ing. Marie Sternthal) in the early 1970s and opened to the public as a botanical garden in March 1975. At that time, however, they were part of the Technical Services of the town - and this institution had a predominantly different mission, to provide greenery in town parks.

At the time of its official establishment, the garden "inherited" about 2,000 species of plants. Less than half were planted in an outdoor hectare exposition, the greater part belonged to subtropical and tropical, ie greenhouse species. Although the exhibitions were created in rather emergency conditions, many things were achieved - thanks to the gardening skills and especially to the enthusiasm of the workers, and the garden was definitely worth a visit even earlier. The unique species you will still find in it include the ancient specimen of an African conifer called Afrocarpus (Podocarpus) gracilior or a cycad called Encephalartos villosus from the same area, the beautiful Mexican Dasylirion serratifolium or fifty-year-old cacti and other succulents from the collections of F. Eck and of V. Pulc, a Teplice cactus grower. It is also worth mentioning two specimens of Gymnocladus canadensis, about 70 years old and richly fruiting.

Text taken from the official website of the Botanical Garden

Our Humboldt Tourist Train goes to the Teplice Botanical Garden, let yourself be led to the Botanical Garden and back by it!

Tourist train Humboldt

Botanical Garden


Opening hours:
January - March:Tuesday - Sunday 09:00 - 17:00
April - MayTuesday - Sunday 09:00 - 18:00
June - AugustTuesday - Sunday 09:00 - 19:00
September Tuesday - Sunday 09:00 - 18:00
October - DecemberTuesday - Sunday 09:00 - 17:00

Address: Josefa Suka 1388/18, 415 01 Teplice
Josefa Suka 1388/18, 415 01 Teplice
Phone: +420 417 534 359
+420 417 534 359
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