Teplice and beer

Teplice and beer

The first written mention of brewing dates back to the 15th century in Teplice. However, it can be assumed with certainty that beer was definitely brewed and drunk earlier than was written about. But what is written is given. Thus, already in 1520, the lord of Teplice, John of Waldštejn, granted the right for brewing and beer tapping to his hetman for his faithful services. In 1581, the right was confirmed to Teplice by a special privilege granted by Emperor Rudolf II himself.

The first real brewery was built in the middle of the 16th century and at the same time another brewery was under construction in Trnovany. The business was interrupted by the Thirty Years' War and reestablished in both breweries only after 1670. Benefit from the production and sale of beer was an important source of income for the Clary-Aldringen family, the lords of Teplice. The chateau brewery ceased to function at the end of the 16th century, and on the contrary, the production capacity of the Trnovany brewery increased, which was continuously expanded and modernized.

The operation had been terminated in 1976, since then the building had been falling into disrepair and in 2007 it was demolished.

Since 2015, beer has been produced and sold in Teplice by the Monopol brewery. It underwent extensive reconstruction between 2012 and 2014, so you can enjoy beer and, of course, food in premises which have a strong First Republic atmosphere.

Teplice and beer